TikTok Contest: new solution “Publish a TikTok” for contest and sweepstakes

TikTok Contest: new solution “Publish a TikTok”

After launching the “Comment on a TikTok” solution, we present “Publish a TikTok” to offer you new promotional opportunities

That TikTok is an excellent tool to convey its promotional activities is no longer a secret for anyone and, to help you make the most of it, we have activated for your TikTok Contests our new solution “Publish a TikTok”.

Now with us you can organise two different types of contest and sweepstakes on TikTok:

  • Comment on a TikTok
  • Publish a TikTok

TikTok contests: why is a new solution necessary?

Companies appreciate the potential of TikTok and are investing in promotional activities on this social media. For this reason, we have decided to enhance our offer dedicated to contest and sweepstakes on this platform.

After the “Comment on a TikTok” solution, we have also activated “Publish a TikTok” to expand your promotional opportunities.

How does the “Publish a TikTok” contest work?

  1. Post a video on TikTok with the hashtag dedicated to the contest;
  2. Take part!

Goals you can achieve with a TikTok contest

The objectives that can be achieved by organising a contest on TikTok are to obtain:

  • greater visibility
  • more interactions

Let’s examine together what is the most suitable contest mechanism in each case to help you achieve your goal.

Publish a TikTok: boost your visibility by encouraging content creation

According to the latest data collected, we spend a little less time online but the time we spend is dedicated to social media all the more.

And if the primary reasons we use social media are to inform ourselves, to stay in touch with friends and family, and to fill the time, immediately following is a search for ideas on things to do or products to buy.

If your goal is to get more visibility for your brand  or for your products, then the ideal solution is to organise a contest with the mechanism “Publish a TikTok”.

To participate, the user must post a video according to the instructions of the regulations and indicating the hashtag dedicated to the contest.

In this way you encourage the creation of content related to your product that has the merit of being genuine and engaging because it is created by the users themselves.

Comment on a TikTok: TikTok’s algorithm and the role of interactions
The goal of TikTok’s algorithm is to keep users on the platform for as long as possible.

For this reason, in the choice of content to be offered, the interactions obtained on which the social network is based to evaluate the level of liking of content by the public play a very important role.

Content that boasts the highest number of shares, links and comments will be the ones that the platform will propose the most. 

A contest helps make your TikTok go viral by stimulating interactions.

By organising a TikTok contest with the “Comment on a TikTok” mechanism, you only have to post content dedicated to the contest and ask users to comment on it with the dedicated hashtag, and possibly a mention, to be able to participate.

So why should you organise a TikTok contest?

Being present on TikTok can help you reach new potential customers as well as strengthen your relationship with those who already are.

With a contest or sweepstakes, you can achieve these results in a simple and engaging way.

Do you want to organise a TikTok contest or sweepstakes? Contact us now and we can devise the perfect promotion for you together!